Sunday, December 6, 2009


Our life has been mostly emails and meetings, budgets, bills, drawings and graphs.

And then the date everyone could finally agree upon arrived and there we were in the Works yard, watching a fork lift download the plates from a huge container truck. The driver, who turned out to be a great guy, was cranky at first; he wouldn’t let me get his picture, so those are his legs on the small forklift there.

The whole thing reminded me of the impossible situation in Fenestrelle for the 2006 Winter Olympics, the day we tried to get the plates off the truck and up the tiny dirt path (with the cliff on one side) to the fortress church before dark. With the howling winds. And none of us speaking Italiano. And everybody wanting their cut.

This time, we met Alan May on the ferry and it was sure great to have him there at the site; he’s a builder and he’s lived through his own adventures, so he knows all about crews and lifting heavy objects and working with machines. On top of it, he’s big and tall and not afraid to get dirty, so between the lot of them, they got it all out of that huge vehicle. That’s him in the red shirt and Gord in the hoodie.

Then the mammoth truck backed up in the skinny driveway for fifteen minutes and when we could only see the dust his tires made on the dirt, we were left with the task of getting the stuff into the container.

Which took the rest of the afternoon. Here’s the crew in the aftermath, but prior to overtime: Derek Graebel, Joe McMillan, Greg Falkenham and Gord.

Gord couldn’t resist – he had to create his own improv piece of art.

Not totally off topic: Performance for Ice Gate: Last Friday we met with the choreographers, chez moi, but I was multi-tasking, and though the camera sat on the sill, it was never used. Come July 31st we meet again to work through some details, and I’ll be ready.

So far Sylvain Brochu, Maggie Guzzi, Gerardo Avila, Jean Pierre Makosso and Brittany Robertson will be our featured choreographers. Yvette Cormier from the Dance Society attended just to see how she could help.

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